
Preparing our neighbors for employability

06 de Octubre, 2021 | Azucarera El Viejo

With the firm purpose of supporting the inhabitants of neighboring communities so that they have more and better employment opportunities in the area, and with a view to the eventual opening of potential companies to the El Viejo Free Trade Zone in La Guinea de Carrillo, Guanacaste; Azucarera El Viejo, in alliance with the National Learning Institute (INA), managed to train 21 people for 3 months in the training program: Sanitation of the Productive Processes of the Food Industry, which covers the following topics: Food Handling, Good Manufacturing Practices, Cleaning and Sanitizing, and Waste Management Guidelines.

From the sustainability program of Azucarera El Viejo we have set ourselves the goal of supporting our neighbors and especially women heads of household, in issues such as education. It is for this reason that more than 80% of the graduates in this journey are women, who see in this type of initiatives an important opportunity to eventually apply for a position in a company.

“My expectation was that I was going to learn a little more and that the certificates I obtained were going to be a “plus” to support my knowledge, my business project and my curriculum, but as the program progressed, I was realizing , of the importance of everything they taught us. Understanding the “why” many companies, nationally and globally, have been so successful with things so simple to practice…. It made me realize that what I was learning exceeded my expectations. I didn't learn more, I learned a lot with more! Alvaro Ricketts Cascante graduated.

At Azucarera El Viejo we believe that alliances with organizations such as INA are key to economic reactivation, and considering their experience and track record, we are pleased to have such an important ally in our development projects.

“We greatly appreciate INA's always open willingness to be a strategic ally in our economic development projects in the area. We believe in people and their abilities to take on the challenge of companies that take up the challenge of investing in Guanacaste and now under this alliance, we not only offer an industrial park for future investors, but also trained personnel to take on the challenge of production and reactivation. economy that we need so much in the area”. Brian Campbell, General Manager.

The free zone is an initiative of Azucarera El Viejo to open investment opportunities to companies interested in generating a significant impact on economic, social and environmental development for the people of Guanacaste. It has the capacity to house five companies. Currently, the company Vocatus and the interspatial radar of the company Leo Labs are installed there.